What's Uepweb

Uepweb is a selected reference site, by subject, and starting point navigator for people who has the focus of interest or lives at Balearic Islands (Mallorca, Menorca, Eivissa, Formentera y Cabrera) or simply... likes to surf the net.

Uepweb uses an ease and speedy frame based double cross index to navigate across the WWW. Try, at the left, with our double cross index and ...enjoy it. At every moment you have two index: the selected and the precedent index. That's make your search very intuitive ...and speedy, because we don't use graphics normally.

With Uepweb you can make many things:

and that is only the beginning!. Add the bookmark and ...come again!

Uepweb is actualized weekly. Contact with us for any sugerence, modification or submit a new URL. Feel you free to send us an e-mail.